Use "eurobond|eurobonds" in a sentence

1. 12 Predatory pricing has been widely used by both incumbents and entrants to the eurobond markets.

2. Eurobonds are principally in bearer form, transferable by delivery with no record of holder, thereby preserving anonymity.

3. 30 Eurobonds are principally in bearer form, transferable by delivery with no record of holder, thereby preserving anonymity.

4. 20 Eurobonds are principally in bearer form, transferable by delivery with no record of holder, thereby preserving anonymity.

5. Eurobonds have been suggested as an effective way to tackle the European sovereign debt crisis though they remain controversial .

6. The Bondholders committee, whose 15 members in aggregate represent more than 40% of Zambia’s $3 billion in outstanding Eurobonds, said on …

7. Some eurobonds have a lock-up period of 90 days before they can be sold through the secondary markets to domestic investors.

8. One of the additional instruments is, in fact, what Olli Rehn is proposing - a swap of bad bonds from some countries for a smaller package of AAA rated Eurobonds.

9. Afc closes its inaugural Samurai Bond, the Corporation first Asian currency denominated loan facility, raising US$233 million and JPY 1 billion; Afc issues US$650 million Eurobond, which enjoys strong over-subscriptions across multiple geographies following roadshow in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UAE and United States